Dozens Flock to Clinton Rally in Four Seasons Hotel Room

clinton lame party2

In perhaps her most stunning show of support to date, former Secretary of State and Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton drew dozens of supporters into a packed hotel room at the Four Seasons in Manhattan, NY.

Although many of those who attended were media pundits, Wall Street CEOs and corporate lobbyists, at least one third were actual people who supported her positions on fracking, trade, private prisons and regime change.

Madam Prissy Duffwhite, heiress to the throne of Yorkshire, said, “She is clearly the most lavish and sophisticated of the lot.” (Although the heiress cannot legally vote in the U.S. her political connections are well established)

And even blue collar workers attended the gala, including Joan Krawferd, a 67 year old secretary for the law firm of Covington & Burling, in Washington, D.C., who said, “I just want to keep my job.”

While the media snapped photos, makeup and lighting crews worked overtime to present Hillary Clinton as a human being before she spoke about income inequality and the need for the media to do more about dismissing it. “It’s time for the (ruling elite) to quash this movement once and for all,” she said, including, “England’s monarchs never had to work this hard.”

Sarah Palin’s Presidential Crash Course

She's Hot
Yeah, she's hot

If using Sarah Palin as a political tool to woo Hillary supporters wasn’t bad enough, consider the actual ramifications if Senator McSleepy actually gets into office: a 40% chance of a Palin presidency. OUCH! I never thought I’d be saying this but… bring Hillary back! She can run as an Independent (and why don’t we have three political candidates anyway? Oh yeah, —harder to rig).

Maybe I should look on the bright side. Sarah Palin —if elected— will be the first VP who 90% of men (and perhaps 12% of women) want to sleep with. It might also usher an era of U.S. history books with pop-up pages. At least some high-schoolers will pass that chapter, if she doesn’t ban the books first, that is. And that’s the problem with Palin: no matter how many times you start out on the bright side, her record keeps dimming the lights. Studies suggest that only a third of the adult population have the ability to REASON. (The last paragraph summarizes the conclusion). When I first read that article I was shocked, but now soooo many things make sense in the world.

So we’re dummies, and yes, politicians lie, and yes, 2/3 of us believe them EVEN WHEN CONTRARY EVIDENCE IS PROVIDED. Meaning, if McCain stands there and tells the camera that he’s for REGULATION when his entire voting record has been about DE-regulation, the odds are still good that we’ll buy it. No wonder Bush keeps that 28% approval rating (the third that are clueless)! Which means a third of the country will be with McCain REGARDLESS if he goes batty and starts pressing red buttons. Maybe it’s OK though, —a third of us still have the ability to reason. I’m imagining it’s us “reader-types” but I’m sure there’s some goat-herders out there who get it too.

So if a third of Americans are clueless and a third “get it”, the battleground is clearly taking place among the final third of the population: the confused. And what better than a hot-lipped hockey mom with a naughty-librarian look, to distract men from the real issues? The likelihood of a Palin presidency is causing even Republicans to quiver, raising the question: Are we really going the way of the Romans? Hopefully by election day, American women will see through this ploy and save us from, err… ourselves?

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Geraldine Ferraro, Hillary Clinton Suffer Under “Black Advantage”

Obama Has FDR Charm

by Antenna Wilde

Geraldine Ferraro said, “If Barack Obama were a white man, would we be talking about this as a potential real problem for Hillary? If he were a woman of any color, would he be in this position that he’s in? Absolutely not!”

Perhaps she’s right; maybe a woman couldn’t possibly be running for president without some special, privileged assistance. And perhaps Ferraro isn’t a racist, just a realist. She was the first one to point out, remember, that she would never have been the 1984 VP nominee if she weren’t female. Because Ferraro knew; being a female VP nominee was a big advantage in 1984, just as being a black man running for president was in 1988, when she was quoted in the Washington Post, “If Jesse Jackson were not black, he wouldn’t be in the race.”

As it was true Jackson had the “black advantage,” we must remember that Obama is only half black, so there’s still hope for the Clinton camp. I mean, it would be much worse if he were, say… half black with three nipples and a club foot. Then even Cynthia McKinney would have to worry.

But Ferraro also knows that, although being a woman was a big advantage in 1984, in 2008 things are quite the contrary. On Super Tuesday she went into the polling booth in tears, speaking of Hillary, “It was tears [because] this woman has put herself out, and it is painful to watch how she’s being beaten up. And it’s only because she’s a woman. It was just a whole sense of the history, of her campaign, of my campaign. I’m not going to be around to see another woman run. I’m really not.”

Things were so much better in 1984. And that is why there is only one conclusion to draw from this whole “Obama ahead of Hillary” thing, which is that black men have more advantages than white women. How else would Obama have made it into the Senate while Ferraro herself failed to… twice? You see it’s not only because of sexism, but sexism AND racism. As Ferraro stated, “Racism works in two different directions. I really think they’re attacking me because I’m white. How’s that?”

How’s that? Well, that’s stupid. Racism doesn’t work in directions, it works like this; “Ferraro, you’re a racist.” Direction works like this, “Ferraro, go home and bury your head in a pillow.” Notice the difference? In any case, Clinton supporters need to look at the bright side—I mean, things could be worse. Obama may be black, and his middle name may be Hussein, and his parents may have come from a poor village in Kenya, but at least he’s not in a wheelchair. That would REALLY put Hillary at a disadvantage. Just look at FDR: when he ran for the presidency in 1932, his handicap was his greatest asset. Voters weren’t overly concerned with issues—same as today—but were more interested in electing someone with a disability.

Incumbent President Herbert Hoover failed to alert the public to this fact during the 1932 race and, unfortunately for the GOP, FDR won by a landslide 472 to 59. And it was indeed the handicap which enabled him to become our only President to serve more than two terms (four total). People may claim he did great things; creating the New Deal, the SEC FDIC and Social Security system to name a few, but these achievements were more likely the result of having a handicap.

And even though FDR led the country and the Allies to ultimate victory against Nazi Germany, and the economy at home reached full employment (which included providing new opportunities to women and African Americans) his success would not have been possible without the wheelchair. In fact, I would argue that the REAL reason Obama is in the position he is today, is BECAUSE of that blasted wheelchair.

Yes, Ferraro was right, and that is why we must fight vehemently against the “black man” including all ethnic, racial and religious minorities, the poor, the mentally AND physically handicapped, the lost, confused, estranged and any other “advantaged” people who pose a threat to the REAL dejected and prejudged faction of our society: rich, white, former First Ladies.

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